The Dagley Lane Preservation Group is made up of people with different personal opinions and views, who came together to oppose the plans to tarmac Dagley Lane.
To read more about the origins of the group click here.
Dagley Lane is also part of the proposed Guildford to Godalming Greenway route, which has the goal to connect Godalming and Guildford without having to use a car.
We understand that there is a climate emergency and that we must reduce our carbon emissions. This should not be at the expense of nature and the environment, which must be preserved and protected.
The information on the Greenway in this website is not intended to portray individual views of the people who supported the Dagley Lane Bridleway campaign. It aims to provide more transparency to those looking to understand more about the proposal and make their own decisions on whether it is a good thing or not.
The recent Surrey Hills Symposium was very insightful and reflects our views as to why we should protect our natural environment and preserve vulnerable habitats and biodiversity, as well as reduce carbon emissions.
You can watch the replay of the event on the understanding the facts page.
About this website
You might be aware of the plans to tarmac Dagley Lane with a 3 metre wide cycle route and street lights every 15 metres.
We are a group of local residents who became frustrated by the lack of information and transparency about this very dramatic proposal.
We believe that improvements should be made to Dagley Lane, but do not believe the solution is tarmac and streetlights.
We think that an alternative solution is possible
We have our concerns and think other people do too.
We would like greater transparency and consultation.
This website aims to bring everything together and make as much information available to everyone as possible.
There was a Surrey County Council survey on this. This closed on August 15th. On September 23rd, Surrey County Council announced that they would revise their plans and not use tarmac or streetlights. They also confirmed that no trees would be cut down.

We are concerned about the safety of children, animals, residents and walkers.
We are concerned about the impact of tarmac and lights on The Wey Valley Meadows, a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSI)
We are concerned about the impact on endagered species such as dormice, bats and rare breeding birds.
We are concerned about the lack of transparency and public consulatation.

Dagley Lane is used walkers and cyclists of all ages and abilities.
69% of people who use Dagley Lane are walkers.

“no decision has been made yet regarding either the surface or lighting, and we will factor the results of the consultation into any decisions going forward.”
Surrey County Council
A great article on the Surrey Live website about our campaign to improve Dagley Lane whilst preserving it for future generations.