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Access to Information

Origins of The Dagley Lane Preservation Group

petition for dagley lane

The Dagley Lane Group came about following an online petition in June 2021.


244 people gave their support to the campaign to stop the Shalford urbanisation plans to widen, tarmac and install 5 metre high lights for the entire length of Dagley Lane to Guildford alongside environmentally protected land (SSSI). 


INSTEAD make appropriate improvements for cycling and other users while protecting the countryside.


To see the original petition, click here.

Origins of Dagley Lane

Surrey Hills Symposium 2021

The recent Surrey Hills Symposium was very insightful and reflects our views as to why we should protect our natural environment and preserve vulnerable habitats and biodiversity, as well as reduce carbon emissions. 


It is not an either / or,  It is a both / and.


The keynote speech was by Tony Juniper and Surrey County Councillor Marisa Heath also spoke and participated in the panel discussion, Cabinet Member for the Environment.  Amongst many things, she said:


 "There are 972 species in decline in Surrey alone. We have to figure out every possible way to bring biodiversity back to Surrey"


You can watch the recording of the event here and to find out more you can visit the Surrey Hills website here


Guildford Godalming Greenway
Response to our concerns

``We met up with Martyn Sandford from the Godalming Cycle Campaign and shared some of our concerns.  He took them back to the Godalming Cycle Campaign and they have responded.  The full details are in the pdf and here are some of the key points:

  • Some of the route can accommodate a 3m width without any vegetation loss. Most of the remaining route requires the removal of annual vegetation or self- seeded saplings to bring the path width to 3m.

  • the order relates only to the surfacing and would not result in the removal of the common land designation or the wholesale clearance of vegetation.

  • The proposed improvements will include a fall to the side to ensure that water drains off the path

  • Good signage will undoubtedly be part of the final design, and this must make the shared use clear.

  • GCC never envisaged the route being lit by conventional lamps on poles.

click on the image to open it and then scroll using arrows

Surrey County Council
Traffic Survey

Surrey County Council carried out a survey to understand the current use of Dagley Lane. The camera was placed on the railway bridge and monitored what travelled over the bridge on 2 different days.  Thursday May 27th and Saturday May 29th.


Surrey County Council kindly shared some (we are not sure if all) of the results with us and the results were not surprising.


Overall 69% of traffic was pedestrians and 31% cyclists. 


This is the table they sent. As you can see in the picture Movement 1 is Shalford to Guildford and Movement 2 is Guildford to Shalford.

Dagley Lane survey data.png

It will be interesting to see how and when they share this information with the public.  In the meantime, we have created these charts to make it more visual.


Dagley Lane Traffic survey.png
Dagley lane bridge traffic total.png
Dagley lane bridge Shalford to guildford.png
Dagley Lane bridge guildford to shalford.png

Matt Furniss SCC Councillor

Thank you for your email. Apologies for not responding sooner but I was away on holiday.


I have read your website and posts on social media and I am awaiting the results of the consultation from the team to see what proposals they make following its completion.


Do let me know if there is anything else I can do in the meantime.


Kind regards


Matt Furniss

Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure


Surrey County Council | Woodhatch Place| 11 Cockshot Hill| Reigate, Surrey| RH2 8EF

Mob: 07891022206 | Email: | Cabinet


County Councillor – Shalford Division

(Including the parishes of Artington, Ash South, Compton, Puttenham, Seale & Sands, Shackleford, Shalford, Tongham and Wanborough)


Twitter: @mpfurniss | Facebook: @cllrmpfurniss |Instagram: matt.furniss

Ramsey Nagaty GBC Councillor

Thank you for your email


I have some concerns. This would include tarmac being laid across Common Land, harm to the Dark Skies, Trees and wildlife.


A 3m path for pedestrians and cyclists in an area used by families and dog walkers also has safety concerns in my view.


Whilst we are inclined to promote modal shift for commuting and shopping the scheme as proposed is likely to see fast if not hi speed cycling which also is of concern.


I do feel Matt Furniss and SCC are the ones who have the power to stop this proposal.


I am happy to add weight to your voice with SCC and GBC where appropriate.


Kind regards

Ramsey Nagaty

GBC Councillor Shalford Ward

Incorporates Artington, Compton and Shalford Parishes

01483 534716

07785 392952

Chris Blow GBC Councillor

Sorry to have been off line and not to have responded sooner. I am well aware of a petition. With some SCC funds available, I think a little can be done to make the route a suitable alternative to the roadside for walkers and cyclists from Guildford to Shalford Common, but not to turn it into a highway!

It was a big talking point at the litter pick on Sunday and your Borough and Parish councillors are deep in discussion.

Kind regards

Updated content

Angela Richardson MP

Angela would like to thank you for your email expressing your concern about the proposals for Dagley Lane and the active travel plans for this area.

As you will probably be aware there have been active consultations about these proposals and some of the links below explain part of the process to date and the considerations taking place. It is hoped that you have made your views known to Surrey County Council through the appropriate channels.

Angela has made enquiries to Surrey County Council as to the progress following the consultations and has now received a response, please see this shown below.


Dear Angela,


Thank you for your email concerning our recent consultation about the proposed active travel scheme in Dagley Lane.


Further to the consultation which recently closed, we are compiling a report which will summarise the results and will be published on Surrey Says website, as well as sent to the residents who were invited to take part in the consultation.


In light of the consultation we will be reviewing our proposed scheme to take on board the consultation, with a revised scheme, again published on Surrey says website. 


We anticipate we will be in a position to publish the information detailed above within 3 weeks.


The principle of the Active Travel Scheme to promote people to walk and cycle is welcomed, although it is always difficult to find the correct balance when changes are necessary to create appropriate routes.  It is hoped that following the consultation, a balance will be found,


Angela sends her Best Wishes to you and thanks you for highlighting these important concerns.

Zoe Franklin Lib Dems

Lib Dem response.jpg

Marisa Heath SCC Councillor

Many apologies as I don’t recall seeing your first email but thanks for re-sending it.  If it has a detrimental impact on the environment I will oppose it and as it stands I do have my concerns which I am raising. I do believe the officers will listen to residents feedback and take action but I am assure you of my commitment to not implementing any sort of proposal that negatively impacts the environment.


I am speaking to officers this afternoon about this.


Best wishes,




Marisa Heath

Cabinet Member for Environment

Member for Englefield Green & Egham

Surrey County Council

+44 (0)776 4247098


Firstly, my general understanding is that the scheme is focused on improving the surface to enable use all year round and the potential for lighting which will be in use in the winter months at dawn and dusk. I have had sight of the letter which was sent to around 100 residents in Dagden Road and Dagley Lane to gain their views on the scheme and the lighting proposals. We have received over 300 responses to the consultation which is now closed. I have asked that I can see those responses so we can make any judgements based on the views of residents.

I know officers engaged with Surrey Wildlife Trust who have carried out a number of habitat surveys as the scheme is adjacent to a SSSI. The scheme is considering the removal of only one large tree which is currently in the middle of the path, with steps adjacent to facilitate the drop in level around the tree. Again this will depend on the consultation response.

My view will be based on the resident responses which I will look forward to seeing shortly and obviously I will put forward my own views around any environmental impact - I am not the decision maker however as I believe it lies with highways.


Best wishes,


Marisa Heath
Cabinet Member for Environment
Member for Englefield Green & Egham
Surrey County Council
+44 (0)776 4247098


We have emailed the politicians and they have replied.

Surrey County Council
Proposal to tarmac over Dagley Lane

Surrey County Council drew up these plans in December 2020.

They shared them with local residents in July 2021, allowing 2 weeks for people to provide their input to the survey.


SCC Common land application

This is the Surrey County Council planning application to ​carry out works on the common land area outside the allotments.  It is worth reading - especially page 6.

SCC annex pics (1).jpg
Planning application common land.jpg

Surrey County Council Survey

Surrey County Council have launched a survey on our views of the proposal.

It closes on August 15th 2021.

Dagley Lane Shalford survey.png

How people travel to work

In 2019 Surrey County Council produced the blue infographic on the right.  It shows that in Surrey 7% of people walk to work and 2% cycle.


We looked deeper into the numbers to explore what that looks like for Shalford and Guildford. As you can see Shalford is slightly higher with 2.5 cycling and 6.8% walking.

We looked back to the census data from 2001 to see how things have changed over time in Guildford (couldn't find the data for Shalford).


The number of people cycling has remained the same, whilst the number of people walking has slightly dropped.


The data is here: 


Blue infographic source:

Green infographic source:

Surrey's workforce 1.jpg
How Guildford and Shalford go to work.jpg

Cycle Infrastructure Design

The Department for Transport has published their Cycle Infrastructure Design report.  The report is lengthy and detailed.  It does not say that routes should be covered in tarmac. It does not say that lighting is compulsory.

It does say that General off-carriageway speeds should be designed at up to 40km/hour.

It also says that if there is a vertical feature above 600 mm high there needs to be an additional 500 mm space. This would not be possible on the railway bridge, which is 3.68 M wide and the wall is 1.3 M high (as shown below).


Dagley Lane Shalford Gov Guidelines.png

Protecting Guildford's Countryside Sites

Guildford Borough Counci's vision for countryside sites states (page 17) that The Wey Valley Meadows should be conserved and maintained.


Habitat resource


The River Wey flood plain widens when entering Guildford Borough, which has led to the establishment of wet meadow areas with naturally high ground water.


Shalford Water Meadows is designated as SSSI. Reed beds and fen habitat are present as well as small areas of wet woodland. These habitats are important for wading birds such as lapwings (red list of conserving concern), reed bed bird species and owls as well as bats. All bats are European protected species. In combination with adjacent sites, the Wey Valley Meadows can potentially provide habitat for the priority species otter and water vole. Riverside Nature Reserve is an important stronghold for harvest mice.

Dagley Lane Shalford GBC Countryside vision.jpg

Common Land Application
April 2021

The first consultation/information that we became aware of was in April, when this notice appeared on Dagley Lane. announcing that Guildford Borough Council were writing to The Secretary of State about carrying out works on common land.  This was asking permission to tarmac over the area in front of the Dagley Lane Allotments and path leading up the hill to the top of the cemetery. 

Surrey County Council tarmac plans.jpeg

Shalford Parish Council

Shalfor Parish Council published a statement and point of view. 


You can read it in full and visit their website by clicking on the buttons below.

Shalford Parish Council comments.png
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